Experience His Presence
Experience His Presence

Testimonies of God's Goodness

Here's what God has done in our lives at Zion Apostolic Church.

"I thank Jesus Christ for His unending mercy and grace which led to the great salvation I am grateful to enjoy. He has shown me His great love and faithfulness over the past twenty five years which has gone beyond my understanding or comprehension. The Holy Spirit has taught me how to live by faith in every experience in my life as He continues to reveal Himself to me. Jesus is truly an awesome God!! There has been countless times when He has delivered me from danger or from my own bad decisions. He has healed my body many times and performed miracles at the right time when I thought it was hopeless. He has revealed His ways, principles and character to me through His Word. I could go on for a long time about how great He is. I can't wait until He comes back to be able to live with Him forever. What an awesome God I have the privilege to know and serve!!"


-Pastor Eric Levesque-

"I was raised in church and spent most of my life being the good kid my parents taught me to be. I never had a real relationship with God. I thought I did. I thought I had it all figured out. I thought my religious activities were a relationship. But then one day something happened that shook me up. I started questioning what I believed and why I believed it. I noticed my life was a big lie and I was just trying to make people think I was good instead of pleasing God. I also noticed there were some amazing things in the Bible that weren't present in my life. That was the day I told God He needed to either show me those crazy things in the Bible were real or I was done. I opened my mind and started a journey that has taken me places that I never imagined. God took me up on my challenge and made me realize pretty much everything I thought I knew was all messed up and He has been leading me down a road that has been nothing short of amazing. Now I know what I believe and things that were cloudy are now clear. I actually understand things that I once believed just because I was told to. Now I realize I know much less than I think I do. God has shown me I need to get over myself and realize there is a very hurt world full of people crying out for someone to love them and care about them. It's our job, as His people, to fix the problems sin has brought in our lives. The journey to humble myself has been very difficult but the more I see the goal the more determined I am to allow God to change me into the tool He needs me to be to accomplish the big dream He has given me."


-Tommy Turner-

Contact Us

Zion Apostolic Church

36284 Colonial Square #13A

P.O. Box 284

Belle Haven, VA 23306


Phone: 757-442-3624

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