Experience His Presence
Experience His Presence


Sunday School

Our Sunday School is open to ages 1 to 9 years old. Children are taught strictly the Word of God through stories, puppets, games and crafts. The lessons are geared toward the age of the child with all crafts and games relating the teaching. Kids have fun while learning about Jesus Christ and His special purpose for them.

Home Bible Study

 We offer home bible study which is taught in the comfort of your own home. It's a twelve week lesson which covers the Bible from beginning to end (Genesis to Revelation). The Bible study is an informal meeting held once a week for an hour.  You are able to choose the day and time. It is a great way for you to get a grasp on the Word of God from the beginning of time until the end.

Ladies Ministry

Our mission, as ladies of the church, is to serve the Lord through ministering to all, but especially to meet the needs of every woman we come in contact with in our everyday lives.  Whether that is through praying for their needs or encouraging one another in the Word of God, or just being there to listen, we are here to serve the ladies God brings through our doors.


In these tumultuous times we live in, we have hope that the Lord has given us, as well as His guiding hand.  God has placed each of us to be there for each other in these times of chaos.  God wants us, as ladies, to come together in unity and love.

 We are an extension of His loving kindness as we show mercy and grace in the days and times ahead.  


Women are the heart of the family, as well as the church body.  God wants to meet the needs of every hurting or broken heart.  He uses those that are willing to be used, to lift them up, so they can be totally healed and become the whole (complete) heart of their family.  God wants us to be strong in Him and to do what He equips us through His word, His love, His confidence, and His teaching.


So, we invite all of you ladies to come experience God like you may never have before!  Let Him wash over you, and cleanse you, and heal all of you!  We meet last Friday of each month, at Zion Apostolic Church  at 7:00 pm.  All are welcome to come and fellowship and share a meal with us as well as receive some Godly wisdom specifically for women!

Mens Ministry

Men are vital and essential to the stability of the family as well as society itself.  It takes a real man to humble himself before the Lord and serve Him with his whole substance (mind, spirit, soul, heart, and strength).  It takes a man to stand up for what is right and to lead his family as the High Priest God calls him to be.  Our world is at a tipping point and it needs every man of integrity to be the example of what men should be:  a man with character and honesty, a loyal husband, a good father, and a man of God.  


Every month, our men gather together for fellowship, soul searching, and sharing the Word of God.  We support and challenge each other in life’s ups and downs.  We allow the Lord to speak to us strongly so that we may keep our charge and position in life righteously as according to His ways and teachings.  We have food with great conversation, laughs, and fun.  We meet on the second Tuesday of every month. 


We welcome all men to join us.

Contact Us

Zion Apostolic Church

36284 Colonial Square #13A

P.O. Box 284

Belle Haven, VA 23306


Phone: 757-442-3624

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